11:55 AM
Wells Fargo's New Corporate Card Program Ties To Mobile
A new corporate card service from San Francisco-based Wells Fargo ties account management and remote expense capture to the bank's CEO Mobile smartphone app.
The WellsOne Commercial Card, through the CEO Mobile service gives cardholders the ability to add out-of-pocket expenses, view charges or check available credit on smartphones, and gives program administrators the ability to edit limits and review transactions.
"For our customers who travel or are away from their desks a lot, mobile access is critical," Mary Mazzochi, senior vice president and manager of the Commercial Card product suite at Wells Fargo said in a release. "Now, commercial card administrators can stay on top of their programs anywhere, anytime using an office computer, a laptop, or a mobile device. Plus, business travelers can take advantage of the mobile service to record cash purchases as the transactions happen, saving time and improving the accuracy of expense reports."
The program features an electronic workflow that includes online routing and receipt imaging. Program managers can reimburse cardholders via ACH direct deposits and set spending and reimbursement limits and guidelines.