11:37 AM
Actiance Launches Socialite Engage
Today, Actiance launched Socialite Engage, the next generation of Socialite, its security, management and compliance solution for social networks. Socialite Engage is a platform that enables financial institutions to securely distribute approved content with clients and prospects via social media channels while remaining in compliance with government regulations.
The new platform aggregates Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts and allows users to view them all on a single dashboard. Users can then share pre-approved content with customers via their accounts, analyze and measure the impact of that content, and change content distribution strategies based on those results. All content goes through the system's compliance workflow to ensure that the institution remains in compliance with government regulatory guidelines.
[Many banks site regulatory issues as a reason for not using social media. For more on this subject, read Banks Lagging Behind in Social Media Strategy.]
Before the launch, Actiance had been piloting Socialite Engage with a number of financial institutions and has positive results so far, according to Sarah Carter, the company's vice president of marketing. The banks cite positive publicity and the attraction of new talent as benefits of using the platform, she says, as well the ability to identify when customers like to engage with content.