09:43 AM
Mobile Security Action Plan
It's not that IT pros see smartphones and tablets as disposable, exactly. It's just that the hardware is not nearly as important to the 371 business technology professionals responding to our 2014 InformationWeek Mobile Security Surveyas the company data that people carry around on those devices. Securing that data is rated very important by 68%, a full 21 points ahead of securing devices themselves, using anti-malware or MDM client software. And 72% say their top mobile security concern is data compromise due to lost or stolen devices.
Our priorities are in the right place. Now we just need policies and controls to catch up. Nearly half, 46%, feel only moderately confident that their mobile security controls are effective at protecting data, and 40% worry about users forwarding corporate data to cloud-based storage services. In case you had any doubts, respondents confirm that IT consumerization is fully upon us, mostly thanks to mobility. Yet even as most companies allow -- even encourage -- employees to bring consumer mobile devices to work, enterprise security pros are still scratching their heads, wondering how best to deal with the influx. Read the Full Story on InformationWeek…