10:04 AM
Why Big Data In The Enterprise Is Mostly Lip Service
These days, it's not hard to find surveys, polls, and reports saying that "most" organizations are embracing big data. For instance, as Matt Asay on ReadWriteWeb writes:
According to a recent Gartner report, 64% of enterprises surveyed indicate that they're deploying or planning Big Data projects. Yet even more acknowledge that they still don't know what to do with Big Data. Have the inmates officially taken over the Big Data asylum?...That's a big jump (64% in 2013 compared to 58% in 2012), and it reflects a growing confidence that Big Data can help enhance the customer experience (54% cited this as their driving motivation), improve process efficiency (42%) and launch new products or business models (39%).
So, slowly but surely, big data is making significant inroads in the enterprise, right? Click here to read the full story on InformationWeek.