02:07 AM
One Question For: Sue Barger, Omega Bank
How is your institution containing processing costs with the increase of loan application volume?
Since implementing Fiserv's (Brookfield, Wis.) easyLENDER loan origination system in early 2003, Omega's ability to process a mortgage application has improved dramatically. In 2003, Omega enjoyed tremendous growth in our mortgage portfolio; because of easyLENDER's automation, staff was not increased and overtime was completely eliminated. EasyLENDER's ease of use reduces training time, and its ability to track a file's status allows loan officers to access loan applications at any branch location to monitor the application's progress. This saves hours in phone calls to our processing center and provides superior customer service.
EasyLENDER'S integration capabilities eliminate duplicate data entry and input errors. We are able to export and import information to third-party vendors through the various interfaces within seconds. EasyLENDER also interfaces seamlessly with Omega's core banking system, which is another Fiserv product.
Omega has realized a return on our investment immediately, not only by cost analysis, but by our levels of customer satisfaction.
Sue Barger, Assistant Vice President, Omega Bank (State College, Pa.)