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11:19 AM
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SAP, Sybase Team Up for Mobile Enterprise Apps on iPhones, BlackBerrys

SAP (Walldorf, Germany) and Sybase (Dublin, Calif.) announced they will enter a partnership in which the companies will work to deliver the new SAP Business Suite on mobile devices.

The SAP and Sybase are collaborating to develop a version of the suite that will run on iPhones, BlackBerrys, Windows Mobile and other portable devices by integrating SAP's suite with the Sybase mobile enterprise application platform.

The combination, say the companies, will enable enterprise software users worldwide access to secure, full-featured, business applications on the go, thereby contributing to productivity. Through the partnership, users will have access to critical customer data in both connected and disconnected modes right from their mobile device of choice by utilizing Sybase's business process mobilization technology.

Sybase will work with SAP to simplify the delivery of enterprise applications to mobile devices to speed up rollout and reduce end-user training for sales representatives and service personnel. Sybase will enable sales professionals access to the SAP customer relationship management (CRM) solution so they will have "anywhere" access to the most current data on their customers that is synchronized with the enterprise applications, allowing the seamless execution of customer transactions as well as integration with mobile business processes, claim the companies.

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