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Association Update

Gilson & Associates, IBM and Carreker to jointly sponsor the annual CPCS Sharing the Knowledge conference; The Securities Industry Middleware Council unveils plans for its third annual security update meeting.

Gilson & Associates, IBM and Carreker, will jointly sponsor the annual CPCS Sharing the Knowledge conference on March 10 to 13, 2002 in San Antonio, Texas. The CPCS Users Forum (CUF) committee represents a broad spectrum of participants, including: Ron Cantoni, SunTrust Bank; Steve Purser, Federal Reserve System; and Jacqueline Breeden, AllFirst Bank.

In addition to defining the content of the annual Sharing The Knowledge CPCS users conference, the purpose of this organization is to exchange information on the performance and support of CPCS and related computer software, to identify and prioritize desired system enhancements as determined by a majority of CUF members, and to discuss general topics in computer-related communications, software, hardware and procedures associated with the use of CPCS.

The conference will be held in San Antonio, Texas at the Marriott RiverCenter Hotel and will open with the reception at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 10, 2002. The final session will end at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 13, 2002.

To receive more information about this event, visit the Web site at, e-mail or call 770-641-8764.


The Securities Industry Middleware Council, Inc. (SIMC) announced that its third annual security update meeting, "Logging into Wall Street: Federated Identity Management," will take place on Feb. 26 in New York.

Speakers and panelists from Microsoft, RSA Security, Hewlett Packard, IBM, and consortia such as Oasis and the Liberty Alliance will compare the rapidly emerging business and technology models for identity management, and assess their applicability to the needs of Wall Street firms.

E-commerce pioneer Dr. Dan Geer will deliver the keynote address, and Jamie Lewis of The Burton Group will serve as moderator.

The daylong meeting is scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Bridgewaters at the South Street Seaport. For more information, visit the council's Web site at

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