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JPMorgan Chase to Consolidate Books on SAP
Firm will move from over 20 general ledgers from several vendors to a single-instance general ledger.
Mphasis Workers Arrested for Pilfering Money from Citibank Customers in India
The Indian outsourcing industry was forced to deal with a significant dent to its credibility recently when it was revealed that a trio of workers at Mphasis' call center in Pune were arrested for allegedly stealing Citibank customers' PIN numbers and using the information to pilfer an estimated $350,000 from those U.S. customers.
News & Rollout: Taking ATMs to the Next Level, and more
Arab National Bank deploys Level Four ATM suite.; CreditXpert's Fraud Detective; Quaero, NetReflector Marketing Solution; Docucorp Introduces Processing Tool; BMO Deploys Verint; NAB Implements SunGard; Caixa Catalunya Standardizes on BMC
The Evolution of VoIP
As Voice over Internet Protocol technology matures, banks increasingly are adopting VoIP solutions to cut costs, improve efficiency and enhance customer service.