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The Digital Signature Law Could Put an End to the Paper Trail
Banks will see a much faster impact on their bottom line if they concentrate on document imaging, storage, and retrieval benefits
of the Digital Signature Law.
Screen Savings
Video advertising is one way banks can reduce ATM surcharges and maintenance costs.
Checks and Balances
To avoid disintermediation in the evolving cash management marketplace, banks need to develop Internet-based electronic payment systems.
Timely Delivery
Careful planning and a clear mission allowed Abbey National to quickly push its products and services into e-commerce delivery channels.
Net Gains
Laila Samawi-Utley, executive vice president of systems and operations and CIO of NetBank, discusses the technology of Internet banking.
Sakura Bank Opens An Internet-only Bank in Japan and Plans To Back Another
Sanwa Bank abandoned plans to create an Internet-only bank in conjunction with credit card issuer JCB, publisher Recruit, and
Hitachi, citing concerns about profitability.
Bank Woos Net Clients
A forecasted jump in the number of people banking online prompted Metcalf Bank, a six-branch community bank in Overland Park, Kan., to offer
Internet services.
Bank of America Boosts Web-Enabled Test
Bank of America is expanding its trial of Internet-enabled ATMs, and by next year may upgrade its entire 14,000 ATM network, the nation's largest.
USPS Draws Fire Over New E-Billing Service
Recent e-commerce initiatives by the U.S. Postal Service are raising concerns about unfair competition from some quarters.