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New Javelin Study Finds Untapped Market for Mobile Banking
Banks should look beyond Web banking customers for new mobile banking users, Javelin says.
IBM Unveils Virtual Teller Kiosk of the Future
IBM hopes to boost self-service banking for less technically savvy consumers with its new teller-assisted kiosk.
Mobey Forum Gives Mobile Financial Services Another Boost
It wasn't too long ago that I wrote a blog about a new mobile financial services standards working group that was being established by the Financial Services Technology Consortium (FSTC). The group hopes to address the interoperability issues facing the industry to help adoption rates. Now, over the Atlantic in Finland, the Mobey Forum, a nonprofit financial industry forum that he
Hope for Mobile Payments Standards
It looks like the mobile channel just found a standards champion-the Financial Services Technology Consortium (FSTC). The organization announced it is assembling a team of industry experts to help develop best practices and standards for mobile payments.