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The Reasons for Replacing Bank Core Systems Are Changing
The CEOs of the Big 8 core apps companies could write this blog better than I could. But they don't write stories; they make them. So this is an account of a trend change based on my experience.
Computer Services, Inc.'s Bob Ezell Elected President of AFT
Computer Services, Inc.'s Bob Ezell elected President of AFT; new officers and directors also named at Association for Financial Technology's annual meeting.
CornerStone State Bank Selects Core System
CornerStone State Bank will implement Jack Henry Banking's Core Director core processing system.
Integration for the Four Giant Banks-Signage Changed, but Systems a Work in Progress
This is the third in a series of blogs about the risks of IT reliability at the "too big to..." banks.
The Top 50 Banks' $53.9 Billion Tech Spend Is Not Enough
This blog is a continuation of last week's blog, which covered the entire population of U.S. financial institutions-16,285, as of Labor Day.