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Web Browser the Most Popular Mobile Banking Channel
A Javelin report finds that more customers access mobile banking via a mobile browser, though downloadable apps are gaining and considered more secure.
Banks Missing Opportunities to Address Customer Anxieties
The CMO Council reports that banks aren't taking full advantage of digital media channels to assuage increasing customer anxiety caused by recent financial industry turmoil.
Visa Europe Launches Exclusive Offers Portal for U.K. Customers
Online deals and discounts site allows retailers and banks to reach every Visa cardholder in the U.K.
Mobile Payments Investment to Grow in 2012
A Fiserv/Forrester survey found that financial institutions are looking to ramp up RDC and mobile P2P payments offerings next year.
New Zions CIO Joe Reilly Walks a Tightrope
Joe Reilly, recently appointed CIO of Zions Bancorp, will look to balance the needs of the holding company as a whole with the demands of the eight individual banks it serves.
Rolling Out the Welcome Mat for Online Banking Customers
Banks can drive up their online account opening completion rates by being dilligent in collecting consumer data and actively following up with customers who don't see the process through to the end.
The Path to E-Banking Success
E-banking can provide banks with engaged and profitable customers. But there are many obstacles to overcome on the way to achieving those benefits.
Banks Fight Disintermediation With Personal Financial Management Tools
Banks must ramp up their PFM offerings to help customers realize their financial goals and to avoid disintermediation.