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Person-to-Person Systems Go Prime Time
Certapay, a Canadian e-payments company, is working with groups of banks to turn person-to-person payments into a mainstream offering.
Fed Adds Color To Bills
Next year, the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve will issue colored bills, code-named Nexgen, intended to deter home-grown counterfeiters.
Incentive System a Hit at First Tennessee Kevin Kenyon
First Tennessee has installed the Motiva 8 system to centralize, standardize and control incentive and variable compensation for over 2,000 employees.
SFA System Improves Employee Productivity at Sovereign Bank
Sovereign Bank, a regional bank in the Northeast, has recorded a seven-fold increase in the number of users of a sales force automation system it installed at the beginning of the year.
Web 'Office' Opens Door to Financing Pipeline
Trying to gain an edge on its larger trade-financing competitors, National City has added foreign exchange and other trade services to its online treasury platform.