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FleetBoston Launches Collaborative Portal for Wholesale Banking
The Fleet Business Advisor portal allows users to access and exchange documents, images and reports in real time from disparate Fleet repositories throughout its enterprise.
Hitting The Account Aggregation Sweet Spot
Gomez research shows that nearly two-thirds of Active Web Bankers show "top-box" interest in account aggregation, as long as their bank offers it and integrates it with the account management offering.
Bricks And Mocha
Washington Mutual grows through acquisition to become a $229 billion emerging power in mortgage market and in commercial and consumer banking.
People's Bank Installs Profitability Software
People's Bank taps HNC Software to provide high-end analytics and decision management software.
Key Offers Account Aggregation Service
Remembering passwords for online access to numerous financial accounts is history for customers of KeyCorp.
Tool Eases Inventory Management for Car Dealer
Fifth Third Bank introduces FloorNet, to improve efficiency and accuracy in floor plan management for car dealerships.