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Although popular in the United States, account aggregation services are having a tough time getting established in overseas markets.
LabMorgan Lends A Helping Hand to New Financial Technologies
As the e-finance engine of J.P. Morgan Chase, LabMorgan occupies an excellent vantage point for the identification of emerging trends in financial services technology.
Provident Central Credit Union Selects Sagent for Better Customer Service
Provident Central Credit Union, one of the largest credit unions in the country, recently implemented a customer analytic application in less than 90 days.
Texas Bank Licenses Software to Streamline Lending Operations
Riverway Bank, Houston, has licensed easyLENDER, a Windows-based loan origination and processing system from Fiserv.
Provident Goes For The Gold
Provident Bank, a regional bank serving the Baltimore-Washington corridor, will soon expand its Internet banking services to provide wireless access.
Bank of NY Forms Asset Management Outsourcing Venture
Bank of New York has joined with Accenture and several leading technology and financial services companies to create a company that offers a comprehensive outsourcing solution for the fund management community.
CIBC Optimizes Processing With Real-Time Monitor
With more than 10,000 mortgage transactions a day, Canadian banking giant CIBC needed a solution to ensure that its mortgage processing system was performing at its maximum.
Fleet Installs Check Fraud Management Solution
FleetBoston Financial has signed on for the eRM Risk Management tool from Carreker.
Online Bank Targets Wealthy Individuals
VirtualBank caters to the "info-riche."
Silicon Valley Bank Chooses ASP for Speed to Market
Silicon Valley Bank deploys an ASP (application service provider) for its cash management solution.
Wells Fargo Kicks Off Aggregation Service
Wells Fargo's online banking customers can now use just one key to open many doors, with the launch of Wells OneLook.
Billing Companies Start To Employ Screen Scraping
Companies offering electronic bill payment and presentment services are starting to use screen-scraping technology to gather information from biller Web sites for presentation to customers.
Alltel hopes its Mortgage PhD portal will become
a valuable resource for real estate industry