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Adoption of Web 2.0 Is Taking Off, But Some Firms Are Still Reluctant
'Enterprise 2.0' must overcome concerns about security and ROI to gain a foothold in business.
Much Ado About Mobile Banking
By Maria Bruno-Britz, Bank Systems & Technology
Within the span of just a few days, my inbox has been inundated with announcements related to new mobile banking/payments initiatives. Although consumers may not be quite as ready as proponents of this banking/payments channel claim they are, banks, telecoms and others are certainly making it clear that they'll convince people to use mobile for more than just talking one way or another.
First Charter Bank Enables Remote ATM Access
First Charter Bank improves ATM uptime with Diebold software suite.
Retail Payments Business Moving More Toward Mobile
Consumers are clamoring for speedier and more- convenient forms of payments, and banks are responding with on-the-go options.
TD Bank Financial Group Rolls Out ATMs With IFX
TD Bank/HP deal marks milestone for IFX messaging protocol.
Bank Tech Vendors Must Adapt to New Market
Bank tech vendors must prove value to survive.
Banks Starting to Look to Microsoft Vista
Microsoft's latest operating system offers banks stronger security and richer search functions.
Everyone's Ready for Mobile Banking, Except Consumers
By Nancy Feig
"If Paris Hilton can have her Sidekick hacked, how safe am I?" This comes from my (highly educated) friend when asked if she would try mobile banking. Another response: "I'm not that rich that I need to keep track of my accounts every minute. I'd rather play Tetris."