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There were 2.34% fewer banks at the end of 2005, but there's still a branch on every corner
By Art Gillis
The trend has been consistent for at least the past five years. On average, there have been 2.7% fewer banks each year. The decline would have been larger if it wasn't for the de novos that entered in high growth states such as Texas and Florida (I haven't been to Iowa since 9/27/1993). During the past five years, an average of 140 de novos per year were established. About fifteen years ago, prominent industry pundits were predicting there would be 2,000 banks in the U.S. So
Help Those Who Help Themselves
Customers are demanding more self-service functionality, creating an opportunity for innovative banks.
Will the U.S. Embrace Cell-Phone-as-Wallet?
Prospects for mobile wallets in the U.S. grow despite doubts.
Commerce Enhances the ’Convenience Experience’
Bank's free offerings now run the gamut from coin counting to online wealth management.
NACHA Takes a Page From PayPal’s Playbook
Payments org plans to pilot program for more private online transactions.
Chinese Bank Hosts Phishing Site
Hits Chase, eBay customers.
Chinese Bank Hosts Phishing Site
Hits Chase, eBay customers.