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News & Commentary
Content tagged with Core Systems posted in June 2007
JRI America Utilizes Planview’s PPM To Improve Resource Allocation
News  |  6/14/2007
JRI America wrings out inefficiencies with Planview's centralized project management Project Portfolio Management solution.
Bank Tech Experts Debate The Business Case For A Core Systems Transformation
News  |  6/14/2007
To enable more agile business processes and improve service, banks must transform their legacy core systems. But given the resources required, the business case for a core systems transformation and the selection of a solution must be based on delivering long-term value.
Sale Of Core Applications As A Thing Of The Past
News  |  6/11/2007
By Art Gillis After I wrote last week's blog, I was haunted by that old cliché, "A picture is worth 1,000 words." In this case it's 382. So folks, look at the picture.

Single-Report Bank Core System Is No Pipe Dream
News  |  6/4/2007
By Art Gillis If someone paid me $7 million, plus or minus a million, to create a new bank core system for community banks, the first thing I would do is fly to Kansas City. That's sort of a private matter, but my mission would be to assign all the bread and butter applications to a man I believe has four very rare skills:

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Join Bank Systems & Technology Associate Editor Bryan Yurcan, and guests Karen Massey and Jerry Silva from IDC Financial Insights, for a conversation about the firm's 11th annual FinTech rankings.