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JRI America Utilizes Planview’s PPM To Improve Resource Allocation
JRI America wrings out inefficiencies with Planview's centralized project management Project Portfolio Management solution.
Bank Tech Experts Debate The Business Case For A Core Systems Transformation
To enable more agile business processes and improve service, banks must transform their legacy core systems. But given the resources required, the business case for a core systems transformation and the selection of a solution must be based on delivering long-term value.
Sale Of Core Applications As A Thing Of The Past
By Art Gillis
After I wrote last week's blog, I was haunted by that old cliché, "A picture is worth 1,000 words." In this case it's 382.
So folks, look at the picture.
Single-Report Bank Core System Is No Pipe Dream
By Art Gillis
If someone paid me $7 million, plus or minus a million, to create a new bank core system for community banks, the first thing I would do is fly to Kansas City. That's sort of a private matter, but my mission would be to assign all the bread and butter applications to a man I believe has four very rare skills: