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09:35 AM
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5 Fun Facts About ATMs Around the World

A few lesser-known uses for ATMs.

1. In India, you can make devotional contributions or religious donations through ATMs that large banks have installed in many temples. "People want to start their business with good graces" and one way of doing that faster and more conveniently is by using ATMs to offer such donations, notes Bob Tramontano, vice president, marketing, financial line of business at NCR.

2. In Singapore, you can apply for an IPO at an ATM.

3. In Romania, 84% of the populace don't have bank accounts. Citi has installed ATMs that let people pay their bills by depositing cash at the ATMs; merchants pay a fee for the service.

4. In Brazil, some ATMs use palm and wrist vein biometrics to identify users.

5. In Qatar, the nation's largest wireless service provider uses drive-up ATMs for customer bill pay. The machines do not do withdrawals, they are designed only to accept cash and checks for customers to pay their mobile phone bill.

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